Mainz Workshop in Trade, Growth, and Macroeconomics: A Quantitative Approach

14-15 August 2012
University of Mainz Campus / Dekanatssaal (room 03-150)
Jakob-Welder-Weg 9, 55128 Mainz

Workshop Program

Keynote speech: Sam Kortum

(University of Chicago)

This workshop is related to the lectures in the framework of the summer school. Paul Segerstrom from the Stockholm School of Economics will also present a paper.

The workshop is public and open to all. Especially PhD students attending the lectures by Prof. Samuel S. Kortum are very welcome to attend.Those who want to attend without presenting should send an email to the Silke Brandau. We would then inform you of the hotel where all guests are staying and would make a booking for the conference dinner (if of interest). For organizational reasons, we would like to ask those who attend without presenting to make their own accommodation arrangements.

14 August
13:50 Welcome

In Support of the TRIPs Agreement

Paul Segerstrom (Stockholm School of Economics)


An optimal redistribution scheme for trade gains

Marco de Pinto (Universität Kassel)

16:00-16:30 coffee break

Globalization, Labor Market Reforms, and Informality

Mauricio Prado (Copenhagen Business School)


Describing the Dynamics of Distributions

in Search and Matching Models by Fokker-Planck Equations

Klaus Wälde (University of Mainz)

19:00 dinner at Meijer's Haeusje
15 August

Wages and Employment Persistence with Multi-worker Firms

William Hawkins (University of Rochester)


The Effects of Factor Market Integration on the Macroeconomic Development in Unified Germany

Sebastian Böhm (University of Leipzig)

11:00-11:30 coffee break

Keynote speeach: International Trade: Linking Micro and Macro

Sam Kortum (University of Chicago)

return to visitors' programme