Topics in economic and psychological research
Mainz School of Management and Economics and DAS GK
Lecturer: Klaus Wälde
Room: tbc
Time: 10.15 - 11:45 a.m.
13 March | Christian Dormann - Reintroducing choice into the JDR model - the psychological view (3 - 5 p.m.) |
17 April | Jean Roch Donsimoni - Macroeconomics of Mental Health |
24 April | Gustavo Mellior - tba |
8 May | tba |
15 May | tba |
22 May | tba |
29 May | tba |
5 June | tba |
12 June | tba |
19 June | tba |
26 June | tba |
3 July | tba |