Seminar 2nd (or higher) semester
Master in International Economics & Public Policy (MIEPP)
Teaching staff: Jean Roch Donsimoni and Klaus Wälde
Seminar announcement
The seminar is about (almost) anything in economics you are interested in. As even "almost anything" is pretty large, let us be more precise. The chair cannot supervise seminar topics with a purely econometric background (but we love and supervise structural estimation approaches), topics on monetary theory and policy (but we are happy to cover the great recession starting in 2007 and leading to debt and Euro crises and a topic on central bank supervision of private banks would be feasible), topics in experimental economics (but we are experts on behavioural economic theory) or advanced game theory.
If you want some inspiration, please look at our previous or current seminars on global warming (announcement in German), bounded rationality, numerical methods for dynamic models, taxation and redistribution or behavioural and emotional economics.
Please feel free to come to our first meeting (see below) and discuss or suggest topics.
Time schedule
* Introductory session (compulsory attendance) and topic assignment: Thursday 23 April, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (room: HS V (container building))
* Submission deadline for seminar papers: Friday 19 June, by 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Please hand in one stapled paper version to Chair`s secretariat (room 01-116, old ReWi) and send the thesis by Email to jdonsimo(at)
* Presentations: Thursday 2 July / Friday 3 July
Time: 2 July: 3 p.m. – 6 p.m. / 3 July: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Room: PC Lab, 01-115 (old ReWi)
* Please see our guidelines for seminar participants