Under submission and work in progress
- Taxing Bequests and the Evolution of Wealth Inequality -- The case of Germany
- (with Sarah Tran-Huu) How to Optimally Train Emotional and Social Skills (background)
- Stress and Coping: An Economic Approach
- Slides (regular and short talk)
- Web appendix
Articles (post-pandemic)
- (with Matthias Birkner and Niklas Scheuer) The dynamics of Pareto distributed wealth in a small open economy. Economic Theory (2023)
- (with Hoang Khieu) Capital Income Risk and the Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution Economic Modelling (2023)
- Slides (long version)/ Slides (short version)
- web appendix
- Matlab code
- Nagel, T. (2013) Background to method of characteristics
- (with Kai Pastor, Thorsten Schank and Olga Troitschanskaia) A practical approach to overcoming biases in comparing student performance in higher education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education (2022)
Covid-19 research
- (with Marc Diederichs, Peter G. Kremsner, Timo Mitze, Gernot J. Müller, Dominik Papies, Felix Schulz) Is large-scale rapid CoV-2 testing a substitute for lockdowns? PLOS ONE (March 2022)
- (with Marc Diederichs, Timo Mitze, and Felix Schulz) Testing & Opening in Augustusburg: A Success Story? medRxiv (2021): 1-22, doi:
- On the testing bias in CoV-2 statistics
- How to remove the testing bias in CoV-2 statistics
- Testet auf CoV‐2, zählt Covid‐19, GSME Discussion Paper 2023 (German abbreviated version)
- Bitte korrigiert die Testverzerrung in SARS-CoV-2 Infektionszahlen (Zusammenfassung auf Ökonomenstimme)
- (with Timo Mitze, Reinhold Kosfeld and Johannes Rode) The Covid‐19 containment effects of public health measures ‐ A spatial difference‐in‐differences approach Journal of Regional Science (2021), doi: 10.1111/jors.12536
- (with Timo Mitze, Reinhold Kosfeld and Johannes Rode) Face Masks Considerably Reduce Covid‐19 Cases in Germany. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS), December 3, 2020
- corresponding Excel file and appendix
- Summary in German
- Summary in English
- (with Jean Roch Donsimoni, René Glawion, Bodo Plachter and Constantin Weiser) Should Contact Bans Have Been Lifted More in Germany? A Quantitative Prediction of Its Effects CESifo Economic Studies 66 (2020): 115-133
- (with Jean Roch Donsimoni, René Glawion, Tobias Hartl, Bodo Plachter, Jens Timmer, Enzo Weber and Constantin Weiser) Covid-19 in Deutschland – Erklärung, Prognose und Einfluss gesundheitspolitischer Maßnahmen, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik (2020)
- (with Jean Roch Donsimoni, René Glawion and Bodo Plachter) Projecting the spread of COVID-19 for Germany, German Economic Review 21 (2020): 181–216
- matlab code now available
- (with Jean Roch Donsimoni, René Glawion and Bodo Plachter) Projektion der COVID-19-Epidemie in Deutschland. Wirtschaftsdienst 4 (2020): 272–276
- (with Tobias Hartl and Enzo Weber) Measuring the impact of the German public shutdown on the spread of Covid-19 Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers: 1 (2020): 25-32
- see related VOX column
Articles (pre-pandemic, selection)
For a full list of economic research, please go to repec or to ORCID for a full list.
- (with Christian Bayer and Alan D. Rendall) The Invariant Distribution of Wealth and Employment Status in a Small Open Economy with Precautionary Savings, Journal of Mathematical Economics 85 (2019): 17-37
- (with Agnes Moors) Current Emotion Research in Economics. Invited survey paper for Emotion Review 9 (2017): 271-278
- Emotion Research in Economics (longer and more formal version), CESifo Working Paper 5982
- Lecture
- (with Andrey Launov) The Employment Effect of Reforming a Public Employment Agency. European Economic Review 84 (2016): 140-164
- Matlab code for numerical solutions (zip file). See _Read_Me.txt in zip file for how to use the code
- Slides
- Press coverage Frankfurter Rundschau
- (with Andrey Launov) Estimating Incentive and Welfare Effects of Non-Stationary Unemployment Benefits International Economic Review 54 (2013): 1159-1198
- Referee and web appendix
- Matlab code for estimation and numerical solution (zip file). See ReadMe.txt in zip file for how to use the code
- Numerical Solution of Volterra Equations resulting from Semi-Markov setup (ch. 4 of Irene Schumm's dissertation)
- Slides
- Media coverage (selection): Neues Deutschland, MBO Verlag (Aktuelle Nachrichten), Berliner Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Kölner Stadtanzeiger, e! Science News
- (with Alejandro Donado) How Trade Unions Increase Welfare. Economic Journal 122 No. 563 (2012): 990 - 1009
- Trade union data and figures (1880 to 2008, selected OECD countries)
- Press and blog coverage (selection): LSE blog, Hans Böckler Stiftung - Böckler Impuls, DGB - Gegenblende
- (with Pia Weiß) International Competition, Downsizing and Wage Inequality. Journal of International Economics 73 (2007): 396 - 406. Complete discussion paper version with appendix
- (with Martin Bossmann and Christian Kleiber) Bequests, Taxation and the Distribution of Wealth in a General Equilibrium Model. Journal of Public Economics 91 (2007): 1247-1271. Final version with appendix
- Endogenous Growth Cycles. International Economic Review 46 (2005): 867 - 894. The appendix is here
- (with Paul Tang) International competition, growth and welfare. European Economic Review 45 (2001): 1439-1459. The appendix is here
- (with Cecilia García-Peñalosa) Efficiency and Equity Effects of Subsidies to Higher Education. Oxford Economic Papers 52, 4 (2000): 702-722. Reprinted in: Belfield C. R. and Levin H. M. (eds.), The Economics of Higher Education. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 165. Elgar (2003): 545-565
- A Model of Creative Destruction with Undiversifiable Risk and Optimising Households. Economic Journal 109 No. 454 (1999): C156 - C171. The appendix is here
- Optimal Saving under Poisson Uncertainty. Journal of Economic Theory 87, (1999): 194-217
Other papers
- (with Thomas Rothe) Where Did All the Unemployed Go? Non-standard work in Germany after the Hartz reforms
- (with Alejandro Donado) How Bad is Globalization for Labour Standards in the North?
- Matlab code for numerical solution (zip file)
- Data used for calibration