Short CV

Some words

Klaus Wälde has been working on economic theory, business cycles and international trade since the beginning of his PhD studies in 1992. He has published in leading international journals, such as Journal of Economic Theory, Economic Journal or International Economic Review. Recent work focuses on labour markets and their reforms (especially the Hartz Reforms in Germany) and on 'Emotional Economics'. He also contributed chapters to a textbook and taught Applied Intertemporal Optimization, an advanced textbook at the PhD level, at various universities.

He was invited for talks and research visits to many European countries, to North America and Asia. He is a member of CESifo ( and IZA and an Extra-mural Fellow of the Department of Economics of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve. He also serves as liaison lecturer (Vertrauensdozent) of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. He is associate editor of the Journal of Economics.

His life took various dramatic turns with the birth of his first daughter, the birth of his second daugther and with his wife resuming full time work. Ever since he has been wondering about work-life balance. He considers 'compassion' and 'self-knowledge' as most central to his Weltanschauung.

Some dates

2014 - current Professor of Economics, Mainz, Germany
Sep/Oct 2022 Visiting Università La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Sep/Oct 2021 Visiting University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
April - September 2020 Visiting Research Fellow IZA, Bonn, Germany (50%)
2009 - 2014 Gutenberg Research Council - Research Professor of Economics, Mainz, Germany
2007 to 2009 Professor of Economics, Glasgow, Scotland UK
2004 to 2007 Professor of Economics, Würzburg, Germany
2003 to 2004 Economic Adviser, European Commission (DG ECFIN), Brussels, Belgium
2000 to 2003 Professor of Economics, Dresden, Germany
1998 to 1999 Economist, World Bank, Washington DC, USA
1996 to 2000 Assistant Professor, Dortmund, Germany
1994 to 1996 Post-doc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1999 Habilitation, Dortmund, Germany
1994 PhD in Economics, Kiel, Germany
1991 Diploma Industrial Engeneering (Wirtschaftsingenieur), Karlsruhe, Germany
1991 Exams in Economics, Bordeaux, France
1966 born in Nürnberg, Germany