The Corona-Virus-2 pandemic is the most decisive event in human history since World War II. The consequences for individuals, society, politics, international relations, the economies and the world economy are only gradually becoming apparent. This seminar allows students to study all aspects related to epidemiological and economic features of the CoV-2 pandemic. Topics should be related to expertise at the chair.
As a starting point, students can have a look at the chair's Corona-Blog (in German), various lectures available as videos, detailed teaching slides with references or publications of the chair. Students with an interest on the economic consequences of the pandemic should start looking at section 7.5 of the above teaching slides. Studies of the origins of the pandemic (and not just its consequences) in the tradition of zoonosis would also be very welcome.
- Introductory session (compulsory) and topic assignment: Tuesday, 13 April 2021, 10:15 am. – 11:45 am (online via MS Teams).
- Submission deadline and modalities for seminar papers: 1 July 2021. Please send a pdf-file by Email to to your supervisor, Klaus Wälde (waelde(at) or Hoang Van Khieu (hkhieu(at)
- Presentations: 15 July 2020, 9:55 am - 2 pm (online via MS Teams)
- Please see our guidelines for seminar participants