Master in International Economics & Public Policy (MIEPP)
Lecturer: Klaus Wälde and Alexander Bloch
The course will be held in English and German. It takes place in the computer pool (PC-Pool 00 275).
Please register for this course in JOGUStINe.
Students will get to know MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory), not to be confused with the region in Bangladesh, a widely used software that allows to compute numerical solutions. The importance of MATLAB of course goes much beyond behavioural macroeconomics, economics or business administration. It is used in finance, in mathematics and in many other fields. Large banks and insurance companies also use MATLAB (or closely related other numerical software). Students will learn MATLAB from scratch (no previous programming experience is required) and learn how to plot figures, run loops, use if-conditions and solve differential equations. All of this will be taught using the questions on the problem sets of this course. A close link between economic intuition and numerical solutions will always be present.
Please install MATLAB via ZDV-Apps before the course starts.
You will find a nice introduction into MATLAB of Dmitry Ivanizki here (link to the Reader).
The course takes place on the following Thursdays:
23 June 2016
07 July 2016
14 July 2016
time: 10:15 11:45
room: PC-Pool (00 275)