Topics in economic and psychological research
Mainz School of Management and Economics and DAS GK
Lecturer: Klaus Wälde
Room: 01-115 (PC-Lab, old ReWi, JGU Mainz)
Time: 2.15 - 3:45 p.m.
19 April | Steffi Nagel "Stress-accounting for couples with crossover and spillover" |
26 April | Alex Bloch "Coping with Stress in Intimate Relationships" |
3 May | Bettina Brüggemann (Frankfurt, GSEFM) „Higher Taxes at the Top: The Role of Entrepreneurs“. (Her talk starts at 12:00 in RW 5) |
10 May | Hoang Khieu "Financial Shocks in the New Keynesian Model" |
17 May | Yuliya Melnyk “The evolution of financial and real wealth” |
24 May | Dennis Krieger "Warum braucht homo oeconomicus einen Therapeuten?" |
31 May | Damir Stijepic "Non-standard work in a multi-sector matching framework" |
7 June | Klaus Wälde/ Michael Kronenwett/ Alex Bloch „Was ist eine Herausforderung, was ist ein Hindernis?“ (DAS GK workshop) |
14 June | Stefanie Eschbach (Masterarbeit Mathematisches Institut) „Numerische Ansätze zum Lösen von Fokker-Planck Gleichungen“ |
21 June | SaM Workshop |
28 June | Jean Roch Donsimoni "Numerical approaches to solve for dynamic labour supply" (10:15 -11:45 a.m., PC-Lab) |
5 July | Alex Bloch and Klaus Wälde "The stability of the stress and coping model" (10:15 -11:45 a.m., PC-Lab) |
12 July | Roksolana Horokhovska "International Trade and Happiness" (14:15 - 15:45 p.m., RW 6) |
19 July | Alex Bloch, Steffi Nagel and Klaus Wälde "Using matlab to empirically understand stressed couples" (DAS GK workshop, 10:15 -11:45 a.m., PC-Lab) |