The macro group ran a Visitors' Programme between 2009 and 2014. (See our research workshops for current activities.) Visitors spent one to three weeks at the Department and taught one course at the Bachelor, Master or PhD level, depending on preferences of the visitors and needs of the Department. A course consists of 10-14 lectures of 90 minutes each, spread over these one to three weeks. There were two visitors per semesters (October to February and April to July) on average.
Courses at the PhD level are run jointly with the Universities of Darmstadt and Frankfurt given our joint PhD programm - see A course should consist of at least 10 lectures of 90 minutes each (12 would be preferable) and should be spread over at least 5 days to give students a chance to digest the material. Shorter courses are possible but should then be combined with a course taught by someone else. There is an exam at the end of the course. The ideal periods for such a course are end of February to mid April and end of July to mid October. As information for our PhD students: these courses can be credited as field courses according to the Rules and Policies of the PhD Program.
Visitors could be invited or could apply for a visit. We were especially interested in visitors in the field of behavioural theory, macro, macro and labour, public economics or related fields. Remuneration was highly attractive. For more details, please contact Klaus Wälde.