• Update

The term of student representatives Felicia Henschler and Johannes Elz ended in November 2020. As of then, Maja Kaniowska and Fiorella Chavez Price are the new student representatives. For any questions, please contact them at the unchanged email address.

  • The idea

Given special circumstances due to Covid-19-20-21, MIEPP Faculty would like to offer regular virtual student meetings via MS Teams. These MIEPP-Teams-Up meetings ((c) StudReps) cannot replace personal contact but are better than no contact. Experience from the summer term has shown that many students miss regular informal meetings with other students. The plan for these virtual meetings is as follows.

In the first MIEPP week - the introduction week starting 26 October - there will be one virtual meeting. It takes place as shown on our flyer on the right. As of 2 November, we plan two meetings per week. The dates will be chosen via a doodle initiated by our MIEPP student representatives, Felicia Henschler and Johannes Elz. The meetings will be organized and last for 90 minutes. Of course, everybody is free to continue to chat on an individual basis thereafter.

Student representatives are committed to organizing these meetings for the entire month of November. Depending on your interest and participation, we are happy to extend these meetings. While these meetings are informal and - no, they are not relevant for the exam and there are no credits 😉 we recommend you to be present as much as we recommend you to be present in lectures. Humans are social beings and one of the problems resulting from the current epidemic is the lack of social interactions.

We all would be very happy if the meetings helped everybody to feel a bit more normal in this non-normal times.

  • Implementation

Online games in teams as well as other initiatives supporting all students to get to know each other in online mode are meant to encourage students to proceed meeting one another on an individual basis.

The planned initiatives further include a German city mapping as well as a global mapping of all MIEPP students, proceeded by individual get-togethers by region as well as cultural mix-ups.

All these measures are meant to create personal contacts not only of all 1st semester students of the Wintersemester 20/21, yet all MIEPP students in all semesters.

  • The next steps

After a successful first meeting on October 27, there are now regular meetings. Dates and times are agreed upon via doodle surveys. Please contact the student representatives Felicia Henschler and Johannes Elz to get more details. They will also send you the link to the MS Teams meeting room.